About Us

AllHemp Trading: Providing genetics and science based solutions for the complex world of industrial hemp. We provide seeds, cuttings, agronomic advice, consultation, processing, and through season support for our farmers in an aim to produce and provide only the highest quality hemp material. Led by a formally trained agronomist specializing in plant genetics, AllHemp Trading is working on bringing agricultural biotechnology available to traditional crops to the hemp space. With a total of over fifty years cannabis experience between the founding members, there aren’t many situations that AllHemp hasn’t experienced, allowing us to drastically reduce learning curve. We offer full white label options for our hemp oil products to help businesses build their brand recognition. AllHemp’s product formulation expert has over 180 hours of product formulation education. Our white labeling producer has over 20 years formulating and producing essential oil based massage and spa products. They operate a full lineup of mixing and bottling equipment needed to get your brand off to the right start whatever the product! AllHemp also offers full consultations from seed to product and insights on all points in between.